Unveiling the Secrets of International Payments


The BNP Paribas Currency Guide sheds light on how to make successful payments in more than 130 currencies.

In line with its long-term commitment to cash, BNP Paribas has released an operational Currency Guide to support corporates faced with the challenge of making international payments. Also available online, the Currency Guide unveils the whys, whats and hows of making payments in over 130 currencies.

Serving more than 40,000 corporates worldwide, BNP Paribas is present in 57 countries with direct cash management resources. “The release of an operational Currency Guide providing both practical guidelines and currency knowledge demonstrates yet again our commitment to cash,” says BNP Paribas Global Head of Cash Management Pierre Fersztand.

In a globalised economy, the international payment scenarios are multiple. Yet the common denominator between a German-based chemical group with integrated R&D facilities in India, a US based chemical group having subsidiaries all around the world and a Belgian chocolate producer with suppliers in Brazil is that sooner or later, they will make international payments.

 “All corporates, whatever their size and wherever they operate, will face the challenge of dealing with foreign currencies,” adds Head of Product Management International Payments, Wim Grosemans. “And the world of international payments is far from being homogeneous, with complexity as a corollary”. Indeed, the lack of consistency between local requirements, processes and practices is a major risk factor for organisations. BNP Paribas’ thorough expertise in international payments provides corporates with the support they need to best manage such complexity and uncertainty.

Hands-on and practical, the BNP Paribas Currency Guide delivers the guidelines that must be respected to secure international payments as well as exhaustive data on more than 130 currencies, thus responding to the needs of both treasurers and those in charge of making international payments. In addition, the Currency Guide includes a mail contact in case further information is required. BNP Paribas’ cash management officers are also available to provide any extra data and guidelines.

The Currency Guide will be provided upon request. Its full version is available upon registration on the Guide’s dedicated website, accessible on cashmanagement.bnpparibas.com/cg


The International Payments Team
Cash Management
BNP Paribas


Irina Yuldasheva [email protected]

Alwin Vande Loock [email protected]

Wim Grosemans [email protected]


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